Top 9 Reasons To Keep Plants In Office

Keep Plants In Office
21 Feb, 2018

As sentient beings, we are highly sensitive to nature. Whether we realise it or not, nature affects us intricately and subliminally. Being in proximity to nature is key to the revival of our body, the revitalization of our mind and the reinvigoration of our soul. That is why we all run towards nature when we want to take a break from our exhausting routines and refresh ourselves.

However, the technological age has taken us away from nature in the name of development. We may not be able to enjoy nature in our everyday life, but we can surely bring nature back to our lives in the form of plants, with their unique and significant benefits of course.


We list the Top 9 benefits of keeping indoor plants in the offices that are sure to influence you to welcome back them into your lives.

1. Significant reduction in negativity in the office space

Believe it or not, several studies have indicated that overall negativity among employees is significantly reduced. This singlehandedly takes away a lot of stress from the office environment and makes it a much more enjoyable and fun place to be at.

2. Considerable reduction in tension and anxiety

In the post-pandemic age, tension and anxiety are the leading mental health challenges affecting the world. Dealing with them requires a targeted approach. Having indoor plant pots in the office can be a natural booster to deal with these issues. 

Even the presence of a few plants in office spaces helps reduce tension and anxiety greatly. This translates into a significant hike in individual effectiveness which reflects in the company’s productivity.

3. Significant reduction in depression

Depression has been known to make people asocial in the official environment where constant interaction is a basic need. Thus, depressed employees, by breaking the communication chain, become barriers to company productivity. Indoor office plants, studies show, reduce depression by a whopping amount. Anything that can help reduce depression significantly is not a cost but an investment.

4.Considerable reduction in anger and hostility

Having indoor office plants results in a substantial reduction in anger and hostility between employees, and the workplace becomes a much better place to be at. This makes the workplace a great place where people develop better interpersonal skills and in turn, have better relationships at a personal level too.

5. Reduce fatigue and enhances energy

It is evident from several studies that having plants at offices reduces fatigue levels considerably. Plants in the office increase the level of oxygen, improve the pranic energy and thereby help reduce exhaustion and lethargy. That makes the employees subconsciously feel better and revitalized.

6. Appreciable enhancement in clarity and reduction in confusion

Quietly and magically, office plants help the workforce reduce their confusion and inner chaos. This effectively translates into improved clarity, which drives efficiency through focused action. This enhanced clarity helps the management take faster decisions, which in turn helps the company translate their vision into reality at a rapid pace.

Read More: 7 benefits of having plants in your office

7. Noticeable improvement in vigour and vitality

Vigour and vitality are the key internal motivators of any person. Better the work atmosphere, better the energy and productivity of employees. Work atmosphere is significantly influenced by the decor and ambience of the office, having indoor plants not only improves the atmosphere but also makes the place look more appealing and fosters a growth culture.

8. Improves Aesthetics & Decor

Good-looking surroundings are appreciated by all, they act as a catalyst to the environment and help in spreading positive vibes and energy. Indoor Office planters also act as great decor options, help break the monotony and the mundane look, and add a certain charm and feel to the environment. All this makes the space more pleasant to work in and also to be admired.

9.Boost Creativity

The Hawthorne experiments from back in the day are a classic example of how the work environment affects productivity and employee morale. Elton Mayo performed experiments and showcased the true importance of the environment on productivity. The results were obvious, changing work conditions and environment for the better significantly improved productivity. 

It is also evident from various studies that creativity flows freely in surroundings that have a conducive, supporting and cheerful environment. All these cases are supported by the fact that indoor plants act as natural serotonin and dopamine boosters that enable humans to perform better and feel relaxed.

Some Closing Thoughts: 

Bringing nature into your office will enhance positivity, reduce negativity and considerably improve the productivity of your company. Considering the benefits, it is sure to create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and vitality in the office.

Even the ancient Indian scriptures mention the importance of living with nature and keeping plants in your vicinity. For instance, basil, the king of herbs is very effective in keeping insects at bay, and its leaves are considered a natural detoxifying agent for curing insect bites. Its leaves are also considered highly effective anti-stress agents which help in fighting depression naturally. These are just a couple of benefits of basil. No wonder the Hindus traditionally worship the basil plant, commonly known as Tulsi, as a goddess and keep it in their homes.

Nowadays, interior designers also suggest having exotic plants that complement the furnishings in well-designed office spaces. There are beautiful designer planters available in the market that enhance the beauty of such designer spaces. While the plants improve the productivity of the company through the well-being of its employees, these planters help enhance the aesthetics and décor of the office.


We know you still might be having some questions, don’t worry, we answer the most probable ones for your convenience:

Why are plants important in a workplace?

Indoor plants are natural air purifiers, they also enhance the ambience of the place they are situated in. They offer multiple benefits from health advantages, increase in efficiency & performance of people to cosmetic ones. In a nutshell, they are a complete package for improving the feel-good factor at the workplace and indoor spaces.

Do indoor plants increase productivity?

Undoubtedly, indoor plants are known to enhance creativity, energy and productivity in the workplace. They act as perfect catalysts for workspaces and improve employee performance too.

How can I decorate my office with plants?

Usually, the answer would be consulting an interior designer, but that would be a costly affair. Instead, you may take the services and planters from us at Bonasila, we promise the results would leave you amazed.


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How do you take care of your plant in the office?

Regular watering, pruning and making sure it gets adequate sunlight are the basics of caring for an indoor office plant. Getting these basics right and taking the services of a gardener if required should be more than sufficient.

Why have plants in your home office?

The home office is a unique mix of space, it encompasses several benefits from acting as a perfect decor option to helping purify the air. What’s more, when having trendy FRP planters, gives the home office that royal look that is sure to grab many eyeballs. Thus, home office plants are a great choice undoubtedly.