Make your outdoor living space a place of Escapism!

Make your outdoor living space a place of Escapism!
21 Feb, 2018

It’s easy to ornament your outdoors with few furnishings and decorative articles but bringing life to the ornamental places is an interesting task. Never mind if it’s your backyard, patio, deck, lobby or your front yard, every place can be beautified with elegance and essence. Adding interesting colours, indoor-like furnishings, variety of lights and stylish planters to your outdoors can create a place of escapism for you.

Know your space
When you know your space very well, you can adorn it with grace and beauty. So, before you start decorating just visualize your space or spend some time to decide the places you want to fill-in.

Homing nature with stylish planters
It’s no wonder why everyone runs to nature on vacations for refreshment. Greenery around you can rejuvenate your life and relieve stress. Being close to nature boosts creativity in mind, calms the soul and brings out the best emotions in you. People with garden homes are blessed with nature, but people without them have the best option of planters. Planters are homes for your favourite nature. Today’s vibrant, trendy and posh planters must be haves for outdoor living places to prettify and freshen up the environment. Seasonal gorgeous plants in the planters bring the budding and bloom naturally. When both planters and seasonal plants meet, they just create an espial ambience. Bonasila planters are made to please with its nature-friendly, people-friendly, adaptable and easily movable specifics for your stature and homey splendour. They come in different sizes, shapes, colours and texture to meet the need and personalize your outdoor extension. Presence of bonasila planters creates a vowed wow and captivates the vision of the seeker. Hence tweaking a well-known proverb a little as we say that beauty not only lies in eyes of the beholder but also the place or person which beholds the beauty. You can have and be, both!

Small nesting pot planters can also be placed in a harmonious arrangement on corner tables, floors, on table tops.

Feel the floor and furnish
If you don’t have natural grass on the floor, artificial grass can give you a good feel. Leave a space between the concrete flooring and bring out broad lines of the earthen floor to grow natural grass or create a checker design on the floor with a tile and leaving the next check empty to grow grass to feel tenderness under your feet. Using three different colored floor stones like red, black and light brown to create the uneven pattern on the floor can also give a touch of modernity. Use water-friendly furniture if the space is open. Construct a multi-layered structure if your space is bigger to create depth, to decorate and have a casual seating. Wooden or stone layers are also good option. You can either match or contrast the furnishing cloth of the garden couch with other decors. Go for colourful, traditional theme or sophisticated look of outdoors.

More is more than enough
Do you have extra teak furniture in your home? If yes, it’s great! Place extra teak furniture at your backyard. If it’s too old, make it new by cleaning with a TSP (cleaning agent) to get rid of the oxidation and dirt. Next sand the teak, give it a time for drying and oil it to give a new shine!

Try the combination of lounge and dining setting. This combination allows making the most of your space. Old aluminium furniture is also great to use at outdoors as they never rust and are maintenance free. Use big umbrellas to cover your sitting and dining lounge. There are varieties of them on the market depending on the weather. Making best from the waste is always a great idea, like, making a sitting with the help of discarded tyres. Just cover the seat area with weaved ropes or making swings with the same tyres and colouring them with matching shades also enhances the overall environment.

Ambience of landscape lights
Brighten your space and smiles with landscape lights. There are different types of lights for different requirements like Path lighting to enlighten walk path-ways, Deck lighting for delighting deck space and create safety on deck areas, low-voltage garden lights, green LED lights, tree lamps to glow your plants and other green places. Solar garden lights are also eco-friendly options for open space. Lights not only illuminate your area but add elegance to the scenery and furnished articles.

The best tip for planning your outdoor living space is to list what all you want to do with the space after decoration. For example you need to figure out that how much walking space you will need, where to reserve a corner for your favourite planter, where you want to dine? Et cetera.

Beautiful things take time to form and flourish. Give time to your outdoor space and incorporate different decorative ideas by admiring every day. Spend more time at the outdoors to get connectivity. Every piece that becomes the part of your outdoor space must have a picturesque visibility. Add things from your favourite activity, that’s how you’ll love and live in your space and that’s how you’ll be able to create a place of escapism!