How to decorate a new flat with designer planter?

How to decorate a new flat with designer planter?
24 May, 2019

They say change is the only constant and we agree to that. When you have moved into a new house, it demands a new set-up and new decoration plan altogether. What you had in your older space may not fit in your new one or simply look odd. Interior designing new space requires a whole lot of effort, research, and top of all, determination. There are certain things which you cannot afford to miss while designing your home interiors, like understanding the layout, breathing space, colour scheme etc. But there is one decor element which always finds a place in almost every decor plan–we are talking about the lively and gorgeous plants.

The best way to turn your new flat into a welcoming and comforting home is to add natural elements to it. Having plants in your space not only acts as perfect aesthetical elements but also soothes your environment and healthifies the air you breathe. They are a complete package in themselves, bringing green beauty with numerous benefits. Also, it is said that regular maintenance of plants is similar to having your own personal time of meditation.

Now let’s get to the beauty part of plants. We are not talking just about the greens or colour they bring; we are talking about the opportunity they bring for you to play around with designer planters. You can elevate your decor plans by getting some awesome designer pots for plants. Sleek to sophisticated, husky to bold, what not can you achieve with the right planter. They are like a compliment on the overall aesthetics. Here are some of the best tips for you to decorate your new flat with designer planters and amazingly beautiful plants.

Your Entrance Passages or Patios

The entrance or the hallway (some call it) are often neglected as they are considered the edges of the house. Not many pay special attention towards it but they are the first thing to be considered. They are the best way to establish a natural welcoming note for your home. Plants are known to naturally lighten the mood of the visitor and make them more cheerful.

You can do wonders on your patios. If you have a long staircase entrance, then you can get tiny planters and set them up on each stair corner, like a boundary for the staircases. We recommend you choose flowers for such arrangement as with every step colours will lighten the mood of the visitor. If you have a straight door right ahead, then you go ahead with having two large designer planters, probably cylindrical or oval in shape, to form a beautiful geometry at the front. No planters are boring when accurately placed. Do consider your door dimensions and the space you have before buying the large planter. You can have square planters as well, or even experiment with something completely unique as balanced geometric dimensions are beauty in itself. Designer planters add a dynamic appeal, so go ahead with trying different colours and different sizes.

Awkward Corners

Not every time every piece of furniture you own will fit in corners. Sometimes, in fact, it’s better to leave such spaces breathing rather than filling it with unnecessary furniture, nobody likes to sit in the corner of a room.  Instead, you can arrange plants at varying heights.

You can have tall plants snake plant, or any tropical plant and have a tall designers planter for the same. One tall planter paired up with two small ones is perfect to have as they create a symphony together. You can have a different grouping as well, depending on the space you have in that particular corner. Bring a set of classic portraits or art painting to hang on the wall behind and you’ll have a perfect corner which looks appealing and comforting at the same time.

Bookshelves and Tabletops

Other than your usual showpieces and fake fruits, what goes on best on a tabletop? A plant indeed. You can have tiny plants such as air plants decorated in glass planters on multiple tables, not just the one in your living room, the one next to your bed in your bedroom will look refreshing with these. Neither do you have to stuff your bookshelves with toys or frames or that cliched globe, rather you can go ahead with tiny plants. Adding the greens next to your book collection will enhance their overall appearance and elevate your aesthetics like never before.


If your new flat windows have extra spaces then you have the opportunity to get creative. Tiny plants like air plant, aloe vera, rosemary and what not can you have on your windowsill. Your own tiny group of plants at the direct light refreshing your indoors, what’s better than these? Plus, you have to understand the kind of planters you can use here. Don’t get plans that demand too much of watering as it can create a mess. Get the plants with less water requirement or planters that have a special water management system in it.

Brighten up your views by incorporating soothing plants paired with beautiful planters at your windowsill. Having plants at your windowsill not just looks cute and adoring but also invites the eyes of your neighbours admiring the beautiful aura you have created in your space. It is considered one of the best options for many apartment kitchens. Slide your coffee ugs aside and bring the greens here. How about a tiny herb collection of yours?

Hanging Plants

If you have limited space in your new apartment and cannot afford to do much with plants and dutch gravity and let them hang on the top. Have plants such as Ivy or fern as they drape all over the planter and look complete in their fall of leaves. Also, they give a pleasing look wherever hung. We recommend you get proper hanging planters and even the plants that dosen’t require much of maintenance.


The best place to have as many planters you like is your balcony. You can do a plethora of experimentation when it comes to your balcony. You can have a complete group of different plants and get furniture that aligns with the decor scheme. Having plants of different sizes, furniture that goes along and even the mats will have your balcony transformed as your only tranquil space. Decorate your apartment balcony with plants and designer planters and elevate the stands of your overall decor scheme.

Fiberglass Planters

Your plant decoration dosen’t end until you’ve got yourself the perfect planter to compliment their prominence. Off all the options available in the market like sand pots, glass pots and cemented ones, we strongly recommend you to go for fiberglass planters. Getting fiberglass planters for your indoors and outdoors might be the best thing you would do for your home decor. These are weather resistant, frost resistant, and are extremely lightweight. The harsh UV rays do no harm to their beauty. They come in modern designs and they also last long for years to come. Be it for your outdoor balconies or indoor rooms, FRP planters are best and are easily available online. They are one of the prominent plant pots available online at best rates.

Get your designer planters

Bonasila manufactures decorative FRP planters in numerous designs, sizes and colours that are certain to advance your flat decoration plans. The unique designs are formed thoughtfully by our in-house designers and are given the exquisite form by our in-house craftsmen. Our planters are a synonym of quality and are perfect of indoor decor. They are crafted with special water management system ensuring you remove the excess water out without causing any mess. The extra water trickles through the holes and gets stored at the bottom which can be later removed by removing the plug give in the corner.

Bonasila FRP planters have become a predominant choice for decor for many hotels, offices, homes and apartments. Suiting both indoor and outdoor, our planters have created a niche of itself in the market of interior design. Reach us to get your ideal planter and get started with your decor plans.