How to choose the best designer planter for healthy growth of your plants?

How to choose the best designer planter for healthy growth of your plants?
12 Sep, 2019

Choosing the right plants among the numerous available in the market is a crucial task. However, your hustle does not end there. You must pick the right designer planters for your plants since they not only enhance the aesthetics but also affect the growth and sustainability of your plants.

Now, picking the right designer planter from the diverse range of designer planters available today can be staggering, yet, you can escape from the exhausting experience. You can perform extensive research on your chosen plants to understand their basic characteristics and necessities to flourish. And based on the results, you can narrow down the list to determine the most suited planters for your plants. If you are unable to find your planters, you can also get customized designer planters for your respective plants as per their ideal size, root system and other basic requirements such as environment, soil, drainage and watering needs. Also, tailor-made planters can be designed to match with your interior or exterior of your house or office.

You may already have plants in your house or garden, and they are not growing at their ideal pace despite your consistent care. In that case, chances are there is nothing wrong with your planting, watering methods, seeds and soil but its planters. Inappropriate size and shape of the planters can hinder the growth of the plants. If there is no extensive damage to the plants, you can replace the containers with more suitable designer pots for plants that are perfect in size, shape, strength and possess important attributes such as water management that help plants grow and sustain.

Today, we have compiled a comprehensive list of essential factors associated with planters that certainly affect the growth of the plants. The following will help you choose the designer planters that help to boost the growth of your plants.

The Right Sized Planter

The right planter size makes all the difference when it comes to the health and growth of the plant. On the contrary to the popular saying, ‘One Size Fits All’, different kinds of plants need different sizes of planters. Also, designers are not concerned about the size merely for the design aspect.

Each plant type has unique requirements that must be fulfilled for their healthy growth. Considering you have chosen the plants that grow in your provided environment/climate, the perfect amount of ingredients is all it will take for them to flourish. Hence, you must choose the right/perfect sized designer pots for plants that can contain the required ingredients.

If the pot is too small, it won’t be able to contain enough nutrients essential for the growth of the plant. The water in the soil will dry too quickly, compelling you to water the plant more frequently than originally required. Besides, small pots do not give enough room for the roots to expand, which eventually causes ‘pot-bound’ situation that drastically hinders the growth of the plant.

On the other hand, if the pot is too large, there will be too much water for a long time so the soil will dry extremely slowly. Hence, the consistent moisture in the soil can not only obstruct the growth but also damage the health of the plant by causing more serious problems such as mould growth, root rot and other diseases.

So, how to determine the ideal size for the designer planter? The purpose of the planter is to contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. However, there are two main aspects to consider: Design/Décor of your house and the health and growth of the plant. If you are planting in your house, you can pick designer indoor plant pots that complement the interior of your house. For outdoors, you can opt for planters that match with the exterior of your house as well as strong and weather-resistant planters.

The planter could be half the size of the plant. However, if your plants have outgrown your current pots, you can repot them in planters that are 2 to 4 inches large in diameter. You may select larger sized designer pots for plants if they grow faster than average.

At times, the amount of soil is not the checkbox to tick. You must consider the depth of the planter along with the width. For example, unlike most of the vegetables such as cucumber, beet, green onion, tomato needs a significant amount of space for its strong root system. Hence, it must have a depth of a minimum of 12 inches.

Efficient Excess Water Management System  

Did you know more plants die from overwatering than under watering? When the soil remains waterlogged for a long time, the lack of air eventually damages the root hair. Also, roots are unable to absorb oxygen that is needed to grow. As a result, they are inefficient to supply water and nutrients to the plant. So, if you are used to watering your plants too regularly, ensure that your planter has excess water management in your planters to avoid the inevitable.

There is a wide array of planters with multiple types of drainage systems. Some conventional planters such as terracotta planters have drainage holes outlined at the bottom that can be drilled for drainage. There are others with a removable plug at the bottom of the planter that allows you to clear out the excess water easily without any mess.

Bonasila has carefully designed stylish Fiber- Reinforced Plastic (FRP) planters with modern aesthetic qualities that are equipped with an efficient water management system. The planters are manufactured with pores impressed within, which allows the water to trickle down and get stored. The plug near the base allows water flow out cleanly. They are best suited for indoor planting since you can drain out the excess water from your designer indoor plant pots as per your convenience without any mess.

In case of the absence of a drainage hole, you can opt for double potting. Planters made with plastic and ceramic often do not have drainage holes. So, in order to get rid of excess water, you can place a smaller container/pot with a drainage hole in your large planter. Then, add a small inverted saucer or bowl at the bottom of the pot to collect excess water. The double potting technique will prevent your plant from sitting in the excess water and damaging the health of your plant.

Material of Planters

Before you dive into picking various planters to decorate your house or office, you must consider one more thing, planter material. Among many planter materials, most known are metal, fiberglass, terracotta, plastic and wood. We suggest fiberglass planters as they are equipped with all the necessary qualities. Surely, you would like planters that are not only exquisite but also sustain for a long time without losing glory. Not only the large variety of fiberglass allows you to choose and even customize design, but they are also strong yet lightweight, easy to maintain and most importantly boost plant growth. They even dry out more evenly in comparison with plastic, wood and ceramic planters. When plastic pots may look cheap and harmful to the environment, wooden planters can be easily damaged by weather and pests making your plants more susceptible to diseases. So, go for modern time’s foolproof option: Fiberglass Planters.

Bonasila offers an extensive range of modern fiber-reinforced plastic planters. Our exceptional team of experienced in-house designers creates designs considering the current trends, customer taste and plant requirements. The ultimate sophistication reflects in our designs. And ensuring ease of maintenance for better plant growth remains on the top of our priorities. To explore more planters or assistance in the decision-making, get in touch with our professionals now.