Brighten up your Indoor Space with Under the Stairs Garden

Brighten up your Indoor Space with Under the Stairs Garden
26 Nov, 2019

Plants can brighten up your space instantly. From purifying your indoor air to bringing positive energy and freshness, indoor plants improve your mental as well as physical health. You can choose the right plants, the right planters and right spots for the beauty of your interior to increase ten-fold.

When it is easier to decorate most of the rooms in the house, some spaces are often wasted or not used. One of those few areas is under the stair space which is often considered to be the barren space that can be best suitable for storage only. It can be one of the best indoor garden areas that will not interfere in your way and yet, provide you all the benefits of an indoor garden. In order to help you decorate your under the stairs area beautifully, we have listed various ideas which you can implement to create a garden under the stairs.

A Pebble Garden

An easy to create and easier to manage is a pebble garden. All you need is a bundle of pebbles and scatter them around in your under-the-built space. The pebbles could vary in size i.e. small, medium and big, they can even be colourful and you can arrange them colour-wise to make the space appealing to the eye. If the area is spacious, you can create a raised garden bed otherwise arrange planters that are of various sizes and shapes as per your interior of the house and requirements of the plants. You can create different patterns with the stones and keep changing them to enhance the interior of your house.

A Zen Garden

Also known as a Japanese Rock Garden, a Zen garden is known to promote contemplation and relaxation. You can arrange its emphasized two basic ingredients, sand and rock. Since it is supposed to be small and surrounded by walls, it is perfect for one of the indoor garden ideas. In a bowl-shaped wide planter or container, you can put a smaller container upside down and fill the rest of the space with sand or you can even fill the entire container or planter with the sand. You can arrange river rocks or different types of rocks in a beautiful pattern. Fill the rest of the surface with sand and create designs of your choice in them. You can grow a bonsai or other small maintenance plants in designer planters that complement your interior.

A Mini Jungle 

To get the most out of your unused under the stairs space, grow a mini jungle. If the space under the staircase is wide, you can create a small pond by making a small pit in your built space and fill it with water. It can be surrounded by a mini flower-bed wherein you can grow flowers, ferns, bush, and palm trees if the staircase has enough height. You can also add in a few decorative planters and grow succulents and cacti or mint, herbs and fruits depending on the weather conditions to use them daily. Plants such as calathea, dieffenbachia, snake plant, dragon tree and peace lily are best for an indoor mini jungle for their sizes as well as shapes of the leaves.

A Container Garden

If you are the one that likes to redecorate time to time by shifting furniture and adding extra décor pieces or grow a number of indoor plants in your house, a container garden is one of the best indoor garden areas. When you grow plants in a container, you can easily move them in different rooms or even outside if required. Also, you can get beautiful containers or planters that truly compliment the interior design of your home. For indoor container gardening, you can get plants that do not need much sunlight such as bromeliad, Chinese evergreen, cast iron plant, dracaena, English ivy, maidenhair fern, and parlor palm, etc.

If your staircase is in the entryway to the hall, the divine fragrance will give a positive and warm welcoming to not only your guests but also you after your long work day. Considering your under the stair space gets enough required light, you can get plants with fresh and beautiful fragrance such as gardenia, jasmine, granium, orchids, English lavender, etc. To go an extra mile for under the stairs decoration, you can put lights mounted on the walls.

A Minimalist Garden

If the interior and exterior of your house is designed in a modern way, a minimalist garden is probably one of the best under the stairs decoration ideas. It is best for busy people who lack the time to manage their indoor garden. You can get low maintenance plants and arrange them in a simple and clean manner. You can get similarly designed planters to enhance the interior of your house. However, you must bring two to three or a few more according to the space under the stairs to ensure the area doesn’t look crowded with the plants. You can arrange a small water fountain which will add into the freshness the garden provides and the soothing sound of waterfall is relaxing to the mind.

You can also couple the Zen gardening idea with the minimalist gardening design to make it even more relaxing and soothing to the eyes. Put in a cozy chair or couch to meditate, read or merely relax after a long stressful day.

You can choose one of the explained indoor gardening ideas to enhance the aesthetics of your interior by using the unused space cleverly. There is no better way to turn your empty space in the most appealing and relaxing space which only brings in the good energy, freshness and saves you from harmful toxins.

Are you looking for the best planters for your indoor gardening project?

Bonasila manufactures and supplies a wide range of beautifully designed fiberglass planters. We provide customization and choices of colours to help you decorate your interior with complete freedom. Our planters are lightweight so that you can move them easily around your house. Also, its excess water management system makes it extremely easy to manage and prevents the plants to get damaged or die due to over watering. Experts at Bonasila can help you choose planters that fulfill you planting and décor needs. Contact us now!