Easy Steps to Grow Veggies in Small Indoor Plant Pots

Easy Steps to Grow Veggies in Small Indoor Plant Pots
10 Sep, 2020

Growing your own produce can be a great idea in current times. It can be a simple solution to numerous issues like health problems, environmental issues, and economic problems as well. Even though it is a single vegetable plant or an extended garden, it will be beneficial for you and the environment.

For some of you, a question may pop out, what if there is not a vast stretch of spare land available to grow vegetables? Many people especially those residing in urban-centric areas may have experienced this issue. However, the good news is, people who don’t have outdoor spaces can still indulge in growing veggies in small indoor plant pots.

We at Bonasila, the leading plant pots manufacturers, have prepared a to-do-list that will easily help you grow vegetables in small indoor plant pots.

Selecting the Right Container:

It is very important to choose the right container for the plant, as this will be its home. Before selecting the planter, the first step is to understand the plant’s needs. Every plant has varying needs, therefore it is important to know them beforehand.

A planter should be of an ideal size which does not dry out quickly or retains excessive water which can rot the plants. You also need to consider the depth of the container where you would be growing the veggies into. Plants with deep roots require space to spread their roots. If the roots are not given the proper environment their growth can be stunted and even lead to an unhealthy dry plant.

While adding a planter to your indoors, its aesthetic appeal is equally important. Nowadays, designer pots for plants come in a wide range of options that compliment you indoors along with new-age features. Bonasila’s planters are crafted in unique designs that enhance your decor.

The Right Place for the Planter

Vegetables nearly require six hours of sunlight on an everyday basis. Few plants like herbs, salad green can grow well in less sunlight as well. On the other hand, beans, tomatoes, and other similar plants can appreciate as much sunlight they get. Try to place planters in places which are not short on sunlight. You can also consider getting lightweight planters which can be easily shifted from one place to another.

One factor to keep in mind while placing the planter is the wind factor. Your plant should be placed securely so that the wind doesn’t destroy the foliage. A shelter, fencing or keeping pots in clusters can help in wind-breaking.

Potting Mix for the Planter:

Don’t pick up soil for your garden to fill up the container, as they might not have the required requirements. The best potting soil for container-grown vegetables must be well-drained, close to neutral pH and well aerated. ‘Soilless’ potting mix has all these features and is the deal for vegetable plants

Watering your Container Vegetable Garden

Vegetable plants should be given a consistent water supply to thrive. The inconsistent water supply can lead to constraint growth, leaf curling, and rotting of plants. To ensure the plant receives adequate water, planters with water management systems can be beneficial.

Remember to Fertilize Plants:

Fertilizers are essentially important while growing vegetables in the pots. If you don’t use some kind of fertilizer, the plant won’t succeed to grow healthy. Adding granular organic fertilizer while planting and a weekly supply of water-soluble fertilizers can enhance your plant’s growth.

Here is a list of some easy vegetable plants that you can grow in your home!

  • Garlic: Garlic is used in major cooking recipes as the base. It is advised to sow the garlic seeds and not the bulb available in the market.
  • Carrot:  Carrot is one of the popular vegetables eaten as salads or cooking mouthwatering dishes. Sow the carrot seeds and in no time the top will appear on the soil surface, ready to be harvested.
  • Coriander: Starting for garnishing to dips, salad and delicious cuisines, coriander enhances the taste everywhere. This versatile herb can be easily grown in a pot. The seeds take 7 to 10 days time to germinate.
  •  Tomatoes: These red veggies can enhance the taste of any recipe or salad. Now you don’t need to buy tomatoes from the market anymore. Just simply bury a part of the tomato including seed in the soil and with a little care you can have your own bright red tomatoes.
  • Peppers: The vegetable includes a lot of seeds and can be easily grown in a container. Take out seeds from the pepper, dry them on a towel or paper and plant them in the planter.

The right planters play a very crucial role in a plant’s growth. If you’re looking for the right vegetable planters, Bonasila’s designer garden pots can be a great choice. The planters are available in different unique shapes and sizes along with colours that accentuate your interiors. Contact Bonasila experts to find the right planter for your planting spree.