Experience the Joy of having a Bonsai Plant in your Indoor Garden

Experience the Joy of having a Bonsai Plant in your Indoor Garden
24 Sep, 2020

If you adore plants and their beauty, you certainly cannot miss a Bonsai plant in your garden! Bonsai plants are one of the best indoor plants that can elevate the aesthetic appeal of homes and offices. They are also known as pun-sai, with gnarled trunks and sparse foliage. Undoubtedly, there are many other reasons to have a Bonsai plant which includes multiple health and psychological benefits.

The Bonsai History

If we go back in time, the oldest mention of the plant was inscribed in a mid-fourteen century poem. In ancient times, only a certain section of the society commonly known as the elite crowds enjoyed the Bonsai beauty. However, post seventeenth century, commoners also started including Bonsai in their homes and common places.

As Japan mingled with other nations and ended its isolation in 1868, Bonsai began to be appreciated all over the western countries. It was not only limited to a hobby but evolved as an artistic pursuit for people. People not only admired it but organized exhibitions and published books on the growing techniques of the plant.

Today, Bonsai is not just an important part of Japanese tradition but a hobby enjoyed by people around the world.

The Best Reasons to Bring a Bonsai Plant

Bonsai is a forever companion

Bonasila can live for decades and more if their care is taken properly. The oldest Bonsai surviving on the planet is estimated to be more than 800 years. The plant can also be passed on the generation and despite being silent can be a lifelong friend that hears you.

Bonsai can be your artistic pursuit

When you welcome a Bonsai, you will find that it has its own lively spirit. While collaboratively working with the plant, you will feel an artistic side of your waking up gradually. Training your plant, pruning older leaves and shaping it will simply expand your creative mind. However, the most challenging part of being a Bonsai Trainer is to maintain an authentic, natural and untouched look of the plant.

Bonsai can easily fit anywhere

Bonsai can be a great fit for any space whether it is indoor or outdoor, home or workplace. There are many breeds of Bonsai that can adapt to any dimensions of the room be it a spacious living room or cozy bedroom.

Bonsai has multiple health benefits

The plant is popularly known for boosting mood and relieving stress. It also helps in relaxing, breathing and calming the mind. Bonsai also inculcates a patient attitude, as the plant requires proper watering, fertilizing, trimming and care. Having a patient trait teaches you to wait for a long span of time, without feeling angry or frustrated.

Taking care of the plant is no less than taking care of your family members. It also teaches one of the most important life lessons which is to be patient, work hard, and wait for a fruitful outcome that time shall bear for you.

Bonsai species that are great for indoors


It is one of the most popular indoor Bonsai species. Out of the 800 Ficus species there are two that easily grow in the indoor conditions.

Ficus benjamina

It is an elegant evergreen plant with slender branches that often grows indoors. Also known as weeping fig, it is considered to be one of the best plants to purify air and remove toxins such as trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde.

Ficus neriifolia

Ficus salicifolia, willow leaf fig and narrow leaf fig are amongst the few popular names of the plant. It is advised to place it where it can receive ample amounts of sunlight and humidity. The plant can also easily adapt to indirect sunlight and dry conditions, however, it will grow more quickly in the right conditions.

Chinese Elm

Chinese Elms or Ulmus Parvifolia is a great option for a beginner who is learning the nitty-gritty of the gardening world. Their fast growth pace, small leaf size along with short nodes makes it very attractive for the beginner to grow a Bonsai. They are quite tolerant to good or bad soil, underwatering or overwatering and grow well if trained by directional pruning. Their seeds are also edible and the leaves can be used as an extra flavourful layer in the salad.

Snow Rose

The plant has a woody stem, tiny attractive leaves and beautiful flowers. The snow rose which is also called as Serissa japonica is an evergreen/ semi-evergreen plant that can grow well indoors as well as outdoors. It is also recognized by the name ‘ the tree of a thousand stars’. Snow Rose is sensitive to change in temperature, light and water. They may shed leaves when they experience stress but quickly rebound to their prior health. The plant should only be repotted once every two or three years. It should also be noted that this plant can be a little high-maintenance for someone who is just a beginner.

Select the right pot for Bonsai

Choosing the right pot for your Bonsai can be quite a task. The indoor plant pots should strike the right harmony with the plant. While buying a planter for Bonsai, the aesthetic purpose cannot be missed. Designer indoor plant pots with the right dimension will enhance the growth of Bonsai. As the vast species of Bonsai differ in colour, the perfect shade of pot can add the final touch to the harmony! Bonasila is the leading manufacturer of pots in unique shapes and alluring colours. Get in touch with our experts to choose the right planter for your Bonsai!