Bonasila Tue, 02 Apr 2024 13:31:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bonasila 32 32 Commercial Planter Ideas to Elevate Your Office Space Sat, 30 Mar 2024 12:52:02 +0000 In this blog, we’ll explore a variety of commercial planters ideas to transform your office space into a vibrant and welcoming haven. 10 Stunning Commercial Planter Ideas Statement Planters at Entrances Start by making a lasting impression at the entrance of your office. Large, statement planters with tall and lush greenery can create a welcoming...

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In this blog, we’ll explore a variety of commercial planters ideas to transform your office space into a vibrant and welcoming haven.

10 Stunning Commercial Planter Ideas

Statement Planters at Entrances

Start by making a lasting impression at the entrance of your office. Large, statement planters with tall and lush greenery can create a welcoming atmosphere for employees and visitors alike. Consider using robust plants like Fiddle Leaf Figs or Snake Plants to make a bold statement. These planters serve as an introduction to the green oasis that lies within the office.

Desk Planters for Personal Touch

Bring nature directly to desks with small desk planters. Succulents, cacti, or small flowering plants can add a touch of greenery to individual workspaces. Not only do these plants contribute to a more visually appealing desk, but they also promote a sense of responsibility and care among employees.

Vertical Gardens for Limited Spaces

When floor space is premium, look upwards. Vertical gardens or green walls are a creative solution to incorporate plants into tight spaces. These living walls not only maximize space but also serve as eye-catching focal points. Choose a variety of plant species for texture and color diversity, creating a stunning natural backdrop.

Mobile Planters for Flexibility

For offices with flexible seating arrangements, mobile planters offer the versatility to rearrange the space easily. These planters often come with wheels, allowing for easy movement to accommodate changing office layouts. Consider using a mix of flowering plants and trailing vines to add a touch of dynamism to the office environment.

Planters for office are available in a large variety of colors, textures, materials, shapes, sizes etc to add a touch of style.

Green Cafeteria for Relaxation

Enhance the dining or break areas with greenery to create a relaxed atmosphere. Large, low-maintenance plants like FRP planters can bring life to such environments. The addition of greenery in these spaces not only contributes to the overall aesthetic but also provides employees with a rejuvenating break area.

Conference Room Centerpieces

Transform the often sterile atmosphere of conference rooms into vibrant meeting spaces by introducing statement planters. Opt for larger, elegant planters with tall plants to add a touch of sophistication. The greenery can foster a more relaxed and creative atmosphere during meetings.

Seasonal Plant Displays

Keep the office environment dynamic by rotating plant displays based on seasons. For example, during spring, showcase flowering plants or switch to hardier plants during the winter months. This not only keeps the office visually appealing but also connects employees with the changing seasons.

Herb Gardens in the Kitchen Area

If your office has a kitchen or communal cooking space, consider incorporating herb gardens. Small herb planters on window sills or countertops can provide a fresh ambiance. This introduces delightful aromas to the space.

Wellness Corner with Aromatherapy Plants

Promote employee well-being by creating a wellness corner filled with aromatherapy plants. Lavender, mint, and eucalyptus are known for their calming and refreshing scents. Place these planters in a designated relaxation area to encourage employees to take short breaks and recharge their energy.

Mix ‘n’ Match with Office Interiors

The concept of ‘mix n match’ stands out as a classical idea, which does two things in a single go. First is to compliment both the elements i.e. interiors as well as planters and second is to grab the attention of people. The best suitable planters for ‘mix n match’ ideas are the Marbelo Planters from Bonasila.

These commercial planters ideas will encourage you to incorporate commercial planters into your office space. These commercial planters are more than just a design statement – they are an investment in the well-being and productivity of your employees.

The diverse range of planters and plant options allows for customization to suit your office’s unique style and needs. By embracing the power of greenery, you not only elevate the aesthetic appeal of your workspace but also contribute to a healthier, happier, and more inspired work environment.

Looking out for planters for office can be a tough task and if you are looking for a wide variety of commercial planters for your office, Bonasila can help you in easing up your task.

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How to Use a Large Pool Planter to Decorate Your Pool Wed, 28 Feb 2024 05:27:58 +0000 In this blog, let us explore some of the best pool planters ideas, which can make your pool space look elegant, stylish and cosy. Commercial Planters and Personal Pools Personal pools and resort pools by design are different. With personal pools, all the mechanics must be relatively close to the pool itself. This means that...

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In this blog, let us explore some of the best pool planters ideas, which can make your pool space look elegant, stylish and cosy.

Commercial Planters and Personal Pools

Personal pools and resort pools by design are different. With personal pools, all the mechanics must be relatively close to the pool itself. This means that people need to figure out different ways to cover them up or camouflage them. People find different ways to do this, whether it be with landscaping, or possibly putting it in a large shed. Landscaping works, but it can easily get overgrown and the maintenance takes a lot of effort. Additionally, if anything goes wrong with the mechanics, landscaping may have to be dug out and destroyed, which would be a large loss in investment.

Large pool planters work the same way as landscaping without any of the negatives. Rectangular FRP planters can be stood side by side to make a pseudo wall to conceal the mechanics in a stylish way. In fact, the rectangular FRP planters can be tied into whatever theme the other commercial planters are being used for throughout the rest of the pool area.

A wonderful aspect of a large pool planter is that when they are used consistently throughout the pool area, they create a theme that is connected throughout the entire pool area. A theme by no means just ends and begins with decorative planters. However, choosing the style and colour of the planters does make a major additive in creating the correct ambience you are looking for.

Resort Pools

Resort pools are large-scale, which is also why the mechanics are always hidden from sight. Because of this, large pool planters are used differently. There are different variations of how planters can be used at resort pools because of different resort styles and what they aim to offer their guests.

Rectangular FRP planters are a great way to create partitions and privacy between areas. This allows for the resort to create different spaces in the open while still defining them. Some resorts offer pool cabanas but since many don’t, having the planters used to create these small forms of privacy makes guests feel like they are not on top of each other while giving them a sense of seclusion.

Resorts mostly have the liberty of space, in which we can experiment with the plenty of pool planters ideas, from placing them to making them look like a part of the pool, the ideas are endless.

The Plants Make The Difference

Whether a private pool or a resort pool, commercial planters offer the ability to accommodate almost any type of plant. Tall, grassy plants are generally used most when creating a natural wall because of how tall and full they grow.

Other than using a large pool planter for large-scale plants. Take for example a large, oval-shaped planter, which can be used to fill with small succulents or smaller-scale plants or ground coverings and can almost give a firepit-like feel. A large pool planter with mid-sized plants also makes them seem grander than they would normally seem if they were at ground level.

Themes are also tied in based on the plants that are used in the planters. If going for a tropical vibe, palm-related plants with colourful flowers at the base would be a nice way to create the illusion of a beach-like tranquility. Uniformity is not a necessity when going for a theme. Mixing and matching plants that align can engage the eye more and bring diversity. On the other hand, depending on what is desired, having a uniform wall of the same type of plant in each planter will create uniformity. Both work on their own and there is no right or wrong way to go. What is most important is to know the options in order to come to the right conclusion based on what the desired end result is.

Accessorize a Large Pool Planter

Another concept to take into account is accessorizing commercial planters. Filling the tops with stone has been a popular look amongst many, however, a newer look is using glass stones to give more flare and colour options for the top-filler. Many people may also not consider lighting the plants in a large pool planter. It is easier than ever with solar lights designed specifically for this purpose and gives a truly rich look to taller plants. These lights would be placed inside the planter itself but because of how nice decorative planters are, lighting can be done around the base of the planter itself so it can be appreciated literally in a different light when it becomes dark. Whatever the use may be, large pool planters make a large statement, especially when used correctly.

Having different pool planters ideas and using them efficiently can elevate the entire look of your pool space. Just make sure you use these ideas in a prominent way, be it a private pool or a resort pool.

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A Guide to Indoor Planters: Color, Texture and Finish Mon, 15 Jan 2024 05:14:44 +0000 In this blog, let us have a look at those factors which can possibly avoid the buyer’s remorse as well help you in choosing the perfect colored indoor planters for your home. How to Choose Indoor Planters That Enhance The Aesthetics? Style of Your Indoor Planter Decorative planters have more options now than ever before,...

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In this blog, let us have a look at those factors which can possibly avoid the buyer’s remorse as well help you in choosing the perfect colored indoor planters for your home.

How to Choose Indoor Planters That Enhance The Aesthetics?

Style of Your Indoor Planter

Decorative planters have more options now than ever before, meaning that style and texture come into play as much as color. Modern planters offer many different design elements based on the desired look and feel of the space. Smooth and elegant lines offer sleek shapes in varied sizes with a Bonasila FRP planter which even have options with geometric elements. Whether going with a minimalist approach with a smaller planter or a large planter that can support even a small tree, having the right fit and ability to customize will ensure getting exactly what you are looking for.

Designer Planters for Indoor Plays a Big Role

Before even deciding on what plant you may want to keep in your indoor planter, think about where you will be placing the planter itself. Position can make more of an impact than you may know. Planters can take a sparse area and breathe life into it or act as an accessory to an already filled area. Adding a plant can create a subtle break in a cluttered area or as a transition colors between theme changes in spaces.

There are different factors to take into consideration while doing this. Just like when choosing a color for a room, we want to see what kind of light exposure it will get throughout the day. This way we can tell how certain colors will work during different times of the day. Sometimes colors do not seem as bright as we would expect. Testing areas allows us to see if the color works or not, or if it is a matter of choosing a lighter shade compared to a darker one.

Beyond seeing the light exposure based on where the planter will be, decide which surrounding factors will contribute to its color choice.

Tone of The Indoor Planters

Believe it or not, the pieces we choose will actually create a mood which will set a tone. Warm colors, tending to be oranges, deep reds and in this range of burnt colors with earth tones will create a warming effect that people tend to find inviting. Cool colors like blues and greens can perpetuate a calming effect. For either of these groups, they tend to be on the darker end of the spectrum. Brighter colors of any kind tend to create higher energy and too much of it can make a space feel too busy if not used properly.

Play with Contrasting Colors in Indoor Planters

Picking out contrasting colors can help create balance. Having balance is key for any space. It is as simple as having an area that is predominantly darker and adding a brighter color to prevent a room from being too dull. This also means that if a room is predominantly bright, adding a piece that is darker can help tone down a room.

Pair your greens with complimentary or accentual colors which will create a striking visual to make your place lively.

Complimentary Colors

Complimentary colors are found using a color wheel. Take a color that already exists in a room, whether an object or painted walls, then find the color on the opposite side of the wheel to see what the compliment is. To find the split complementary colors, rather than going directly across from the primary color of choice, look at the colors on either side. Within these colors, you will also have the choice of which shade to go with depending on the intensity you want the decorative planters to have. Doing this allows for some diversity with the color palette in a room.

Accent Colors

Accent colors can be used to pull a room together. By taking colors that already exist in a space, you can pull the colors through by using one of them in decorative planters. When using accent colors in a space, the feel in the room doesn’t change because the colors already exist in the room either in display pieces, artwork, furniture or decorative rugs. Also, pulling through certain colors can help carry out a theme. While speaking about accent colors, also consider accent walls. This is where in a room one wall is taken to paint with a color. In a room like this, we would want to use the planter potentially in the same color but in a different part of the room against a blank area in order to tie in the theme. Adversely, if we want to expand on a theme of an accent wall, we can use the planter to expand on an accent wall by choosing a complimentary color or contrasting color depending on what you want to bring to the space.

Matte or Glossy Finish Indoor Planters

As simple as it may seem, matte versus gloss can make more of a difference than you may believe. If the idea is to have modern planters “pop” in a space, having a gloss finish is an attention grabber. In this case, gloss can introduce a sleek characteristic that will attract the eye despite the color that is used. Matte finishes carry out a color in a more subtle way compared to gloss. Using matte finishes can help mute bolder colors, allowing for their presence without grabbing too much attention.


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Choosing Appropriate Texture for Indoor Planters

Bonasila FRP planters offer textures to fit the look and feel you need for the desired space. Getting the correct look is important and with four different options, it’s more than just the color representation that is important. Graphite, stone, sand and brew are four diverse options that not only deliver the ambiance but the feel as well. Having the representation of these natural elements on a fiberglass planter without the cumbersome weight is the ideal delivery.

Choosing the Correct Types of Planters

Choosing the right planters is important for your plants to grow well and look good. Different plants need different things like how much water they can handle and how big their roots grow. So, you need to pick planters based on what each plant needs. Think about things like the material of the planter (like clay or plastic), its size, how deep it is, and if it has holes for water to drain out. Also, consider where you’ll put the plant, like if it’ll be inside or outside and how much sunlight it’ll get. By picking the right planter for each plant and where you’ll place it, you can help your plants grow healthy and make your space look nice.

Now for Your Decision

Choosing the right color for your indoor planter may seem simple, but knowing that it takes some effort and factors to consider before buying them is necessary. Take these factors into consideration and you will be more than happy with your decision.

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Elegant Diwali Home Decoration Ideas with Planters Tue, 19 Dec 2023 10:03:52 +0000 Decorating homes not only brings a positive and happy vibe but also holds great significance in the cultural and religious context of the festival. Moreover, this act of enjoying adorning our living spaces with loved ones strengthens bonds and creates a sense of togetherness. The glow of diyas, the brilliance of rangolis, and the elegance...

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Decorating homes not only brings a positive and happy vibe but also holds great significance in the cultural and religious context of the festival. Moreover, this act of enjoying adorning our living spaces with loved ones strengthens bonds and creates a sense of togetherness. The glow of diyas, the brilliance of rangolis, and the elegance of decorations infuse our homes with the spirit of Diwali.

In this blog, we will delve into exquisite Diwali home decoration ideas that revolve around the use of planters, bringing the enchantment of nature into our festive decor.

Elegant Diwali Home Decoration Ideas

Planters can make a great place in everyone’s decor as they help individuals create greenery and enhance the charm of their decor. With the planters, you can be more creative and improve the look of your decor for Diwali with these well-thought-out ideas.

Mix and Match with Different Colors of Planters

To add a touch of elegance to your Diwali home decor, consider mixing and matching planters of different colors. This simple yet effective idea can infuse your space with vibrancy and life. You can even experiment with a variety of plants, from the resilient snake plants to the delicate charm of peace lilies. The contrast in colors of the planters not only accentuates the natural beauty of the plants but also adds an eclectic and refreshing touch to your living area. It’s not just about the destination; the journey of selecting and arranging these planters with your family becomes a joyful and memorable experience, making your Diwali celebrations even more special.

Make a Water Garden with Broad Planters

For a unique and tranquil Diwali decor, consider creating a water garden using broad planters. Fill these planters with water and float some exquisite flowers and diyas on the surface. The soft, flickering candlelight on the water’s surface adds a magical and serene quality to your home, making it a perfect spot for relaxation and meditation during the festival. What’s even more remarkable is the act of creating this water garden together with your loved ones. It becomes a shared experience that weaves lasting memories and strengthens your family bonds, making it a cherished part of your Diwali celebrations.

Enhance Planters with Ambient Lighting

For a touch of sophistication in your Diwali decor, consider enhancing your planters with ambient lighting. Adorn your planters with string lights or LED fairy lights to create a warm and inviting glow. This fusion of lush greenery and soft lighting transforms your home into an elegant and serene haven, setting the perfect mood for your Diwali celebrations. This act of placing these lights around the planters, making it a collaborative and enjoyable experience for your family and friends makes it more special. It turns the process of decorating into a shared venture, making your journey toward a beautifully illuminated Diwali home as memorable as the destination.

Design a Rangoli and Place Planters in the Center

In the grand tapestry of Diwali celebrations, the tradition of rangoli plays a significant role. Taking this tradition to a new level, you can position your planters at the heart of your rangoli design. The vibrant colors and intricate patterns of rangoli art beautifully complement the natural beauty of the plants. This fusion of art and nature creates a captivating focal point for your Diwali decorations. The act of designing the rangoli and thoughtfully placing the planters at its center is a delightful and creative process that further bonds your family and friends. Together, you craft a unique and mesmerizing centerpiece, symbolizing the unity and joy of the festival of lights, making your Diwali celebrations truly special.

Towards The End

In the grand tapestry of Diwali celebrations, home decoration holds a special place. It’s not just about creating an aesthetically pleasing environment but also about weaving memories and strengthening bonds with loved ones. The elegant Diwali home decoration ideas with planters offer a delightful and harmonious way to celebrate this festival of lights. The mix and match of colorful planters, the serenity of water gardens, the sophistication of ambient lighting, and the fusion of rangoli and planters all contribute to an exquisite Diwali experience.

As you gather with family and friends to decorate your home, remember that it’s not just about the destination; it’s about the journey, the laughter, and the love that fill your home with the true spirit of Diwali. Embrace the beauty of nature and tradition as you embark on this heartwarming journey of creating cherished Diwali memories. By involving your loved ones in these creative processes, you’re not only enhancing your home’s decor but also creating lasting memories and strengthening the bonds that make Diwali truly special.

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This Diwali, gift FRP Planters to your loved ones Tue, 18 Oct 2022 05:11:55 +0000 Arrange the diyas outside the door and make a beautiful rangoli. Sweep the dust from every nook and cranny. Arrange for the sweet boxes to be delivered to friends and family. Prepare your best or newest attire for the occasion. That’s correct! Diwali is quickly approaching. This is a time to spend with friends and...

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Arrange the diyas outside the door and make a beautiful rangoli. Sweep the dust from every nook and cranny. Arrange for the sweet boxes to be delivered to friends and family. Prepare your best or newest attire for the occasion. That’s correct! Diwali is quickly approaching. This is a time to spend with friends and family. A time for celebration and gifts

Talking about gifts, why do we always gift the same old sweet boxes to our loved ones? Diwali is a festival of something new, something pious. Then, why not gift them something unique and new like Modern FRP Planters?

The novel concept of green gifting has created quite a stir in the market. Giving a live plant in a colourful exquisite planter to loved ones, employees, business associates, or clients has become popular. A step toward a greater connection with nature, tradition and festivities.

Plants are a sign of positivity in a house. Some people think it is fortunate and auspicious to be surrounded by plants. There is a range of plants that are considered pious for gifting, like lucky bamboo or money plant.


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You might not want to gift a whole plant, as some people prefer to have artificial plants since they are easy to maintain. However, you can surely give them planters from Bonasila Planters. Now, what is best for Diwali from our huge range of collections? Honestly, everything. Each planter is designed by an expert, keeping all the conditions in mind. They not only help beautify the space but are the most environmentally suitable gifts. However, the size of the planter and design should be correct to stand out. So, below are a few planters’ sizes and designs according to the space.

Small Indoor Corner Planters

Choose elegant and fancy indoor plant pots. Having fancy indoor plant pots around combines creativity and freshness. You can experience this with Nimo, which is trendy and chic and will enhance the beauty of your indoor plants. They are designer planters with a clear edge and give a chic trend vibe. These FRP planters save space, protect plants, and allow you to mix and match different succulents, flowers, or herbs. Check out our wide range of planters to buy fibre planters online in India and transform your interior space in style!


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Kitchen and Entrance Planters

Tagaro is a unique bowl-shaped planter that is perfect for kitchen areas, lobbies, and entrances. They will captivate you with just a glance. It not only serves as a decorative bowl, but its open structure is also visually appealing. These bowl-shaped planters have been meticulously polished for a stunning display in your home. The edges are made with a sense of stability in mind. These low-bowl planters are both stable and visually appealing.


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Living Room and Lobby Planters

Corsa is suitable to keep in your office space, living rooms, bedrooms, etc., as they are durable and crafted to withstand the elements all year round. It can be used for growing flowers, vegetables, fruit trees, herbs, etc. Despite how large and sturdy these pots are, they are light in weight and extremely portable. Our buyers adore them, and their plants do as well. Corsa is an excellent choice for Diwali gifts as it has an attractive design.


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Tables And Floors

Feijo represents how the right planter can complete your space perfectly. With their fine finishing and stylish appearance, these outdoor planters are designed with modern cuts and elegant curves. Because of their simple and lightweight design, these planters promote harmony between the natural environment and the human habitat. These Modern FRP Planters are a perfect gift for loved ones who like to add style and decor to their place by keeping plants on tables, floors, or near the windows.


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Planters for office desks and coffee tables

If you have a workaholic friend who is very attached to their office desk, then this planter is the gift for them. It will keep their desk vibrant and fresh. Musori planters are perfect for office desks, side tables, or coffee tables. They are vibrant and one-of-a-kind. Inspired by modern sophistication with a splash of colour. These decorative planters are sure to draw attention wherever they are placed. They will keep your friend’s desk full of freshness and allow them to feel stress-free and think better. It is durable and can last a long time without any care. It fits all kinds of interiors and comes in a wide range of colours.


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Bedroom Planters

Cono planters are an excellent present for a family member who has recently renovated their bedroom and is looking for a chic and trendy décor. Cono is a stylish indoor planter that combines simplicity with a strong visual presence. Its round and smooth edges make it an excellent choice for your bedroom. With this exceptional planter, you can add a touch of creativity to your surroundings.

These luxury planters have a distinct shape and are available in a variety of sizes, colours, and finishes. Cono has simple and basic shapes and is one of our best-selling FRP planters.


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For Outdoor Area

Luxury is defined as standing out from the crowd, and planters like Telon are our masterpieces that fully support this assertion. These round outdoor planters are carefully polished and have a distinctive cylindrical shape. These fibreglass planters have a very strong base, and their curves and edges simply complement the luxurious interiors. It is one of the most popular choices among luxury decor houses.

This festive season, treat your family and friends to the beauty of Bonasila Planters. We encourage you to give green and celebrate green Diwali for what it truly represents: spreading joy, love, and laughter. To order, please drop your details and our team will contact you shortly. Happy Diwali!

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Easy Herbs To Grow In FRP Planter Boxes And Containers Sat, 10 Sep 2022 06:33:21 +0000 Adding more to the beauty of your house, herbs look more colourful and vibrant when grown in Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Planters as these pots come in different shapes, colours, textures and sizes. Grow herbs in planter boxes Herbs, unlike many other garden plants, can thrive even in small spaces. Many can grow in poor...

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Adding more to the beauty of your house, herbs look more colourful and vibrant when grown in Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Planters as these pots come in different shapes, colours, textures and sizes.

Grow herbs in planter boxes

Herbs, unlike many other garden plants, can thrive even in small spaces. Many can grow in poor soil too, with no added fertiliser. Some herbs are also aggressive, meaning they will quickly take over the garden bed and start spreading their roots deeper and wider into the land. Growing herbs in pots or planter boxes keeps them under a fixed periphery and close at hand. This will help you replace the herbs whenever you wish to. 

Another major reason for growing herbs in planter boxes is that it adds sophistication and beauty to your decor. There are many people who grow them in indoor-outdoor planters that match perfectly with their home or office furniture.

Planter for herbs

Herbs require varying soil depths, but most will thrive with 6 to 12 inches of root space.

Ceramic, Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) planters and terra cotta pots, as well as planter boxes and raised plant beds made of wood, are ideal for an indoor-outdoor garden. Some herbs may also work well in pots made of pressed paper. Plant boxes made of cedar or redwood are the most durable and resistant to decay, but they are also the most expensive.


The ideal choice is fiber reinforced plastic planters as they are long-lasting, can withstand extreme heat and cold, are easy to clean, stylish and light in weight. The Rezelo Collection by Bonsila comes in 40 different sizes of rectangular planters that are beyond perfect for your herbs. Their wide range of sizes makes them the perfect indoor-outdoor planters.

Soil To Use

Garden soil is too heavy to use in a pot for a container garden or raised bed. The best soil for raised beds, planter boxes, and plant containers is potting mix. Potting soil is light, fluffy, and well-draining, making it ideal for flowering plants, vegetables, and herbs. It’s also ideal for plants that thrive in acidic soil. Adding a bit of peat moss to the potting mix will improve the soil’s ability to retain moisture and texture.

The type of herb you grow will determine the type of growing medium you’ll require. Remember that all herbs planted in containers or boxes require drainage holes, so having one in indoor-outdoor planters is a must!

Herbs in the box


Choosing the right herb is equally important as choosing the best planter for herbs. So what kinds of herbs can you grow in the rectangular box-shaped FRP planters?


A simple plant that grows well in the sun. Italian or flat-leaf parsley and curly parsley are two of the most commonly used varieties in cooking. This herb prefers full sun but can also grow in partial shade. Ideal for indoors with maximum sun exposure. 


Mint thrives in a variety of growing conditions and is often used to add a zesty freshness to desserts and drinks. It requires little care and looks stunning as a decorative plant. It prefers sun yet can also tolerate shade. Some mint varieties are low spreaders, while others are tall and leggy, so pick the combination that works best for your space. 



Oregano is one of the easiest herbs to grow in FRP planters. Like most herbs, it prefers full sun but can tolerate some shade. It does not necessitate a lot of watering or fertilising. It spreads well and will not take over the entire area. It can be grown in a cool place over the winter or propagated from cuttings.


A herb garden would be incomplete without it. Basil, a kitchen staple, grows almost effortlessly from seed. It thrives on neglect and prefers infrequent watering over regular watering. Basil despises confined spaces, so give it plenty of room for proper air circulation.

Basil Planter


A tall, willowy herb that grows quickly from seed. Dill grows best in full sun and prefers rich, lightweight, well-drained soil. It complements a variety of plants and attracts beneficial garden critters such as pollinators.



An aromatic herb that blends well with other herbs. Thyme is an essential ingredient in holiday cooking, so keep a fresh supply on hand. This woody perennial thrives in arid conditions. Thyme does not grow large or spread quickly, so it works well in a container garden.



They are beautiful, fragrant, and easy to grow. Sage, like many herbs, does not require heavy feeding or frequent fertiliser application. In fact, too much fertiliser will dull the potent flavour. Sage thrives in full sun, and its foliage is particularly eye-catching when combined with other potted herbs.

Most of these herbs are hardy and drought-tolerant, and they can grow in poor soil. They don’t need much fertiliser and can handle some shade. Preventing root rot requires proper drainage. Once you’ve decided on which herbs to grow, simply place them in a location that receives at least eight hours of direct sunlight per day and water them as needed. It’s also best to avoid using fertilizers; most herbs produce the most fragrance and flavour when grown in raw soil. Use designer planters to add a touch of perfection to your decor.


Bonasila planters offer elegant-looking, unbreakable, eye-catching FRP planters that will add on to the aesthetics and sophistication, making your space more presentable and lively. Be it planters for herbs or anything else, planters by Bonasila are created with love and keeping all the details in mind. These planters with their beauty will blend in and stand out everywhere. Get in touch with us to select the best planter for your favourite herbs!


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Best trees to grow in Bonasila Large Planters Thu, 28 Jul 2022 13:23:53 +0000 Now, we would not leave you hanging without answering those questions or asking you to google them, that would be tedious & frustrating right, so without further ado, let’s answer them one by one. Why should we grow some big trees in Large Planters? Growing trees in large planters offer several advantages, like protecting them...

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Now, we would not leave you hanging without answering those questions or asking you to google them, that would be tedious & frustrating right, so without further ado, let’s answer them one by one.

Why should we grow some big trees in Large Planters?

Growing trees in large planters offer several advantages, like protecting them from frost in winters, and scorching heat in summers to having easier portability while switching places or even houses. They improve the aesthetic of the place wherever they are placed & help improve the environment of that area. The large trees filter the air & help improve the air quality too.

Which are the best trees to grow in Large Planters?

Wood Apple

Bonasila Large Planters to grow Wood Apple

(Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Wood Apple or Bael tree is native to South-East Asian countries. It is a medium-sized tree with drooping branches & yellow-green leaves. The fruit takes around a year to ripen and has a thick, hard rind that is almost round. It possesses fibrous yellow pulp & is extremely aromatic. Its juice has many health benefits & the pulp is widely used in the preparation of jams & chutneys.
Although it has a weird smell it is widely cultivated across India & Bangladesh for its medicinal purposes. It has an extremely hard shell which is commonly known as Elephant Apple. Growing such a tree in large planters would automatically be beneficial for its wide variety of properties.

Papaya Tree

papaya tree with papaya on it

The papaya tree is grown in subtropical to tropical climates, has high nutritional value, wonderful taste & possesses medicinal properties. It is a hollow, single stem erect tree that has a fast growth but short life of around 5 years. It is worth knowing that Papaya is a self-pollinating tree requiring low maintenance. It thrives well in temperate climates & large planters & requires moist, well-drained, high organic content soil.

It is one of the easiest fruit trees to grow with little or no pruning. Papaya fruit contains high levels of antioxidants & is used to treat a great range of diseases from diabetes, and heart diseases to even cancers. Fun fact, in 2020 India produced a whopping 43% of the world’s supply of Papayas.


pomegranate trees with pomegranates in a farm

Believe it or not, the much-adored healthy red juicy fruit tree can be grown in planters. It is a wonderful tree that is high in iron content. Pomegranate is widely cultivated in Middle Eastern, African & South Asian countries like India. It prefers loamy soil with better drainage. These trees bear red-coloured fruits with edible seeds that are rich in antioxidants & possess many health benefits.

These trees prefer a warmer climate & are mostly drought resistant. Due to their appearance & aroma, they attract many pollinators including hummingbirds. Pomegranate juice is often considered a rich source of increasing hemoglobin, beneficial for the human body. Growing Pomegranate in outdoor FRP planters would yield great results.


plumeria tree with white plumeria flowers on it

Plumeria trees, also known as Lei Flowers or Frangipani are native to tropical regions. Widely grown as an ornamental plant it is highly aromatic & blooms throughout fall. They can be propagated easily with the stem cutting technique. The flowers bloom in multiple colours from white, and yellow to red. They prefer warmer climates, require well-drained acidic soil & are a low-maintenance species.

They are often used in synthetic perfumes & hold religious significance in South Asian countries. Plumeria are tricksters, they trick their pollinators by their fragrance to pollinate them only to find there is no nectar in them. They are so loved in some countries, that they are the national flowers of countries like Laos & Nicaragua.

Indian Hawthorn

Pink Indian Hawthorn tree

Indian Hawthorn is an evergreen short shrub, that thrives well in warmer climates. Despite having India in its name, it’s not exclusive to India, and can be found in China, Australia & other Asian regions. It bears star shaped-five petals of light pink or white flowers that give it a distinct appearance.
It needs low maintenance, well-drained soil with ample sunlight. It works great as hedgers, foundation plantings & decor options. Indian Hawthorn adds great beauty to the surrounding environment & acts as a great air purifier.

What size & quality of planters to opt for?

With the top recommendations of best trees for planters out of the way, let’s address the elephant in the room, which container or planter size would provide for optimum growth. Being trees, and having sizeable growth, high-quality planters are to be opted for. Low quality, cheaper options might result in planters damage as the tree picks up height, it can also hinder growth causing pot bounding to occur. To mitigate such issues root pruning is required, and most importantly large, high-quality fibre reinforced designer planters are needed.

Another reason to opt for outdoor FRP planters is that trees have heavy roots & for their proper maintenance, in large planters space to work around would be more, large planters also make it possible for trees to achieve proper growth & height, simple planters also cannot bear the load of a tree, they require some reinforcement, for that purpose Bonasila FRP would do the job well.

Some Final Words

It may seem growing trees in planters might limit growth & not provide the desired result. In reality, with proper care, maintenance & efforts, these plants can reach their full potential & provide a gorgeous environment worth witnessing. Not to forget, the natural benefits they accrue like purifying air, increasing aesthetic appeal & help to give a relaxing, comforting atmosphere to the people. To aid them to grow to their true height, quality planters like the ones from Bonasila are suited.

Our flagship collection offers a wide variety of options in great shapes & sizes. Large Planters by Bonasila are known for their excellent durability, impeccable quality & irresistible designs. We have sizes, shapes, textures & colours for all. The outstanding customer support, hassle-free delivery & unmatched customer experience come as an added bonus.

Without further ado, explore our brilliant collection now & plant your great tree in premium designer planters.

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How to choose indoor pots for indoor plants this year Tue, 12 Jul 2022 12:42:53 +0000 A sure-fire way to fall in love with the next green baby you bring home is to pair it with the perfect outdoor or indoor pots. Be it existing plants that need repotting or an older houseplant in your collection that could do with roomier digs, we’re here to help you find the perfect indoor...

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A sure-fire way to fall in love with the next green baby you bring home is to pair it with the perfect outdoor or indoor pots.

Be it existing plants that need repotting or an older houseplant in your collection that could do with roomier digs, we’re here to help you find the perfect indoor pots for them.

Picking the right designer pot may seem daunting to some who don’t know which factors to consider while picking a planter.

The real challenge is finding a pot that not only meets all the requirements of your plant baby but also matches the aesthetics of your home decor.

Plants and pots, especially indoors, need to be matched based on their visual characteristics.


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You may have the most gorgeous greens but if you put it in a pot that doesn’t enhance its beauty, (even though it meets all the size and drainage requirements), it will go unnoticed, without a doubt!

Think of buying a planter like buying a dress for someone. Some people can rock those neons and fuchsia effortlessly while others need darker & pastel shades to shine.

Dresses are cut differently as per one’s body type and some people are lucky enough to pull off a scarf while some just can’t. The same goes for your greens. Every plant needs a certain kind of pot to accentuate its beauty.


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In this article, we shall focus on what you’re going to need to know before you bring your next plant home, from size, material, and drainage to aesthetics.






The size of a planter is the first & foremost thing to take into account, even before the aesthetics of your home.

This is because your plant needs sufficient space to grow & spread its roots.

However, if you’re stepping out to pick up an indoor pot because your plant has outgrown its current home, you will have to take into consideration what type of plant you’re buying for.

If you have a small to medium size plant, (the current pot is less than 10″ in diameter), you want to buy a new pot that is ± 1″-2″ bigger in diameter than its current one.

On the other hand, if you have a larger plant, with a pot that is already over 10″ in diameter, you want to buy a pot that is ± 2″ to 4″ bigger in diameter than its current one. This applies to fast-growing plants as well.


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Another key element you will have to factor in is drainage.

From our personal experience here at Bonasila, we will always recommend selecting indoor pots with drainage incorporated into the design, especially if you’re prone to forgetfulness concerning your plant’s hydration needs.

It is best to remember to pour not more than 1/3 of the size of the container while watering your plants. You can also line the bottom of the pots with lava rocks or similar materials to create a crevice for the extra water to drain into. These tips will help decrease the chances of root decay.


Positively Porous

Designer indoor Pots today are available in a wide variety of styles, sizes, and materials. Garden pots online are designed keeping in mind the plant’s moisture needs and size. The new rage in designer pots today is FRP indoor pots. What is FRP you may ask?

Fiberglass pots are made of sheets of spun glass fibers that are held together with a polymer resin. The durability of fiberglass planters makes them adaptable to both indoor and outdoor conditions.


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Fiberglass planters with a proper finish withstand all four seasons and inclement weather in an outdoor setting. Bonasila is proud to be one of India’s leading FRP pot manufacturers .

Compared to stone, concrete, ceramic, and other common materials used in the construction of planters, fiberglass plant pots are the most lightweight. The fiberglass fibers and resin at the right consistency create a planter structure that is easy to move even in larger sizes.

Additionally, fiberglass planters require very little maintenance. They can be left without care for a significant amount of time in both indoor and outdoor conditions and yet last for extremely long durations.


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Once you’ve understood what your plant needs, the next crucial step is finding an indoor pot that accentuates and highlights your greens the right way.
It’s important to make sure the pots you bring home draw attention to enhance the colour and foliage of your greens rather than overpower them.
For example, if you’ve opted for something like a Hypoestes phyllostachya
that has lovely, dark green patches with those red accents, opting for a neutral shaded pot would be a great choice.

If your plant has tiny leaves with intricate patterns on it, avoiding patterned pots is a no-brainer. Proportion is critical to balancing a composition. Be it in terms of size or pattern. It’s all about how you play with them to exaggerate or emphasize the features of your plants.

Sometimes creating a composition is just about finding a common element and putting together objects like good together.

It could be colors and textures that compliment or just the fact the potting material looks great with the rest of your surrounding home décor.


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It’s time we thought of our potted plants as living home décor items.

Irrespective of their size, whether they stand tall alone or they’re grouped along with other objects, aesthetics need to be matched with their needs.

We hope this article helps your search in finding the perfect designer indoor pot for your greens.

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Top 8 Bonasila Indoor Planters – Customer’s Favourites Tue, 28 Jun 2022 06:59:39 +0000 Contemporary Vonny Our Existo Collection compliments clustered arrangements leaving a bit of colour all over the space. The customer favourite ‘Vonny’ has a contemporary design that sits well with modern minimal interiors. These Bonasila Indoor planters are perfect for huge lobby corners and entrances. Bonasila Outdoor Planters also complement waiting areas and open garden spaces....

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Contemporary Vonny

Our Existo Collection compliments clustered arrangements leaving a bit of colour all over the space. The customer favourite ‘Vonny’ has a contemporary design that sits well with modern minimal interiors. These Bonasila Indoor planters are perfect for huge lobby corners and entrances. Bonasila Outdoor Planters also complement waiting areas and open garden spaces. The simple yet elegant design is a favourite as it blends seamlessly. Vonny doesn’t garner much attention from your centerpieces, be it wooden furniture, centre show pieces or reception desks.It has become a quick choice for beginners or first-time designers as it is the easiest yet most effective to style. The shades ‘Rustic Sand’,‘Warm Cocoon’,‘Buff’,‘White’ and ‘Grey’ are the best sellers in this category. Apart from this ‘Canara Hills’ and ‘Sand Textures’ make for bold and interesting statements if you wish to experiment.

The must have Leppo

‘Leppo’ is yet another favourite. Manufactured for lavish spaces, Leppo can easily blend in any space. Great for porches and verandas, this design works wonders in groups of three or clusters as small planters. The balanced design of ‘Leppo’ helps elevate entrance areas, doors and glass windows. A mix of different sizes of this design gives the room a statement look. The best options for ‘Leppo’ are the ‘Stone’ and ‘Graphite’ textures coupled with warmer neutral tones in the Rustic series that can easily complement various setups. As said both these designs work very well for planters in aisles, foyers and passageways. Made to own spaces, these planters are best placed in big rooms. ‘Leppo’ also proves to be a match made in heaven for trending terrace gardens.

The Perfect Centrepiece


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Gone are the days of extravagant showpieces and chandeliers. Our Newo collection does the trick. With a hint of tradition and a mould of modernism, ‘Tagaro’ is our bowl-shaped planter that provides character like no other. These beautiful pieces double up as big decorative bowls that can simply transform any space. Meant for grand spaces, ‘Tagaro’ is fit for tall and short plants. These premium Bonasila Indoor planters are big and they tie the space together when placed at the centre. When it comes to grand lobbies, hotel entrances or big courtyards, ‘Tagaro’ becomes the eye-catching element. Available in beautiful rustic shades of ‘Wild Mustang’, ‘Modern History’,‘Sustainable’ and more, the planter can be ordered in multiple sizes to best suit your interiors.

Fix the corners with Feijo

‘Feijo’ another favourite, combines elegant curves with modern cuts. The planters of this design conveniently blend into any space. That said, brighter colours and experimental looks can also be achieved with Bonasila Indoor Planters and their designs. Fit for placing in corners of waiting areas or even in the exteriors, ‘Feijo’ brings empty corners to life. A cluster of bright shades like rustic shades of ‘Canara Hills’ ‘Basil Leaf’ and ‘Metal blue’ can brighten up any white wall or light interior. The seamless nature of this design makes it a favourite for artificial plants as well.

Spelling refined with a capital ‘R’

Thinking outside the box? Let’s think of the box for a second. The ‘R’ in ‘Rezelo’ stands for reliability. Our Rezelo collection brings in the most practical shape with endless possibilities. These premium tall planters are sturdy with durable designs that can make any space look refined. The ‘R0832’ is amongst the customer favourites. It can be placed alongside walls and walking paths, at the entrance doors or next to walls with your company logos. These rectangular pots are great for adding lines and clean geometry to any large space. ‘R0832’ looks the best in huge elevator areas, can double up as a partition for lobbies or cafes and a variety of other spaces.

Creative Cuboids

The second favourite from this collection is ‘R2408’. This design can be used in the most innovative ways possible. These cuboids when placed on the ground give a partition; while attached to the walls give a spectacular contrasting look. Be it plain concrete or red brick walls, similar small planters when arranged enhance organic materials and backdrops. The best thing about this collection is that multiple dimensions of these rectangles in a combination of colours can set the tone of the space. While most restaurants, corporate houses and hotels follow a theme, the Rezelo collection seamlessly blends into any. Multiple designs of these tall planters can be attained with arranging these pots creatively for eye-catching outdoor or terrace gardens.

Table buddy Tapto


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Work is where you spend most of your active hours. Why not add an element of indulgence? Our Tabto collection brings in luxe in the form of tabletop planters. ‘Narcio’ and ‘Moso’ are more than just pots. They are your table buddies. These tabletop planters can brighten any space and break a room’s monotony. These classic designs are suited for desks, living and dining furniture, windows as well as shelves. These tabletops are easy to move around so you can style different spaces. Bright colourful planters can be placed against neutral textured walls. Similarly, neutral rustic shades can be placed against bright contrasting walls. Placing these planters at reception desks, suites, open dining and cafeterias is a fun way of fusing nature into the day-to-day. Tabletop planters grant freshness to your eyes after your screens have tired them out.

Bonasila Indoor Planters move beyond basic and add a touch of luxury to your space. While these are the customer favourites, you can explore yours at India’s Largest Collection of FRP Planters.

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6 Home Spots to Place Indoor Planters & Grow Plants Tue, 14 Jun 2022 09:54:53 +0000 Planting indoor planters in the living room makes it lively & gives more character to the space while placing them in the balcony brings some privacy. Another great advantage of light-weighted FRP planters is that they can be easily moved. Planters once placed in the living room can someday also enhance the terrace garden. Nowadays...

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Planting indoor planters in the living room makes it lively & gives more character to the space while placing them in the balcony brings some privacy.

Another great advantage of light-weighted FRP planters is that they can be easily moved. Planters once placed in the living room can someday also enhance the terrace garden.

Nowadays indoor planters are not just mere pieces to accommodate plants but are also seen as standalone decor pieces.

Let’s take a look at how we can make an elegant difference in our homes in ways that don’t call for major upheavals or investments.

Terrace Garden


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If you’re lucky enough to own a terrace garden the decor possibilities are endless. You can easily make your imagination for an elegant space come to life.

Colourful FRP planters, pots, water bodies, accessories – the list of things to prettify your terrace garden is unending.

You can convert it to a vegetable garden, herb garden, bonsai park, and whatnot. To make sure, your beautiful plants stand out, invest in beautiful planters that will complement your lovely plants.

For tall planters, you can add a rack & the small, delicate planters can be placed freely or hung up the ceiling to add some pizzazz.

You can also change the landscape of your terrace by installing artificial grass carpets or planting grass slabs. This will make your terrace an A-Spot to host barbeque nights.

Check out our wide range of FRP Planters at Bonasila.



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Some of us are blessed with green thumbs but for the not-so-lucky ones, investing in succulents & mini planters can be a great start.

These tiny planters & plants can be placed in the bathroom. It’s a fun way to spruce up your bathroom and also a great way to never forget to water your plants again!

Another factor that makes a strong case for adding greens in the shower is that the mini planters can literally fit into any corner and provide some serious style with those pops of green.

The air purifying qualities are just another bonus. Tiny plants paired with sleek planters will surely fit seamlessly onto any countertop, shelf or rack.

If you’re tight on space or don’t have a lot of surface area, adding planters to the bathroom may be the perfect approach for you.



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Greenery can make an ordinary kitchen feel exotic. You could use large planters to line a wall or even create a living wall altogether.

Another route is placing small herbs and succulents on windows or shelves if you’re short on space.

Growing herbs in the kitchen will allow you to cook with natural and fresh ingredients from your small vertical garden which invariably leads to an enriched meal and mood.

Hanging the fresh herbs in your kitchen will not only beautify the space but will also add a dash of freshness to your cooking.



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They say the first impression is the last impression which makes making your entrance warm and inviting inevitable.

Not to mention, your home entrance provides you with an amazing opportunity to make fabulous first impressions as a catalyst to display your style.

Decorating your entrance with indoor planters is a great way to add brightness, colour, and texture.

You can shop for some of the best planters online at Bonsila as you keep up with these home décor trends of 2022.



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Given the limited spaces that we all live in – a green patch of earth is a luxury few of us are blessed with.

Thus turning your balcony into a green spot is a must. Balconies offer beautiful view & are a perfect relaxation spot.

Adding plants & planters in the balcony makes the place more comforting & relaxing. You can sit back, relax, and enjoy the limitless sky, surrounded by the coolness of your plants & sip hot tea.

Even if you find yourself short on space on your balcony, there are certain ways in which you can create a mini garden out there and enhance its beauty.

In fact, the space constraint could be a fun challenge to get those creative juices flowing. You could choose from numerous kinds of hanging, hooked or even suspending indoor planters for your balcony.

One could even enlarge the space with a vertical garden. This format of gardening is definitely an interesting way to add a new layer of décor to your home while making it memorable.

Empty Corners


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Home décor is definitely a long and sometimes unending process. It’s extremely common for one to plan and bring home the mos tasteful ensembles for their space to make it look lively, calm, warmer, comfortable, and/ or eccentric.

Once everything is set in its place, the room has been furnished, and you think you’re finally done, the lonely and empty corners that skidded your notice the first time around stand looming before you.

It’s common for even the most experienced decorators to miss these blank corners and the real problem is how much attention these blank spaces grab as compared to a fully furnished and well-decorated room.
Covering empty spaces with greens is a great way to make a spot aesthetically pleasing and accentuate serene corners and harmoniously complete them.

Things to keep in mind while bringing a planter home

Now that we’ve covered a few creative ways to spruce your home with your indoor planters, let’s talk about what factors you should keep in mind before you bring home your next green friend.

Size, material, and drainage requirements, all play a vital role as plants are more dependent on humans once brought home as compared to out in the wild.

Home plants and planters are needed to match the other visual characteristics as well. We at Bonasila carry a huge range of collections that offer a vast variety of shapes and sizes to make sure you find the perfect planter for your home.

What More? You can also customize your planters with us and join in on the design process!

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